Decrypto: One decoder for all

by Svajunas Maksvytis



Decrypt secret messages in no time with Decrypto app! Your encrypted text has no chance of being secret anymore. Decrypto uses over 91 different decryption techniques all at once and go through each one of them with the most likely decryptions brought to the front. No need to be a cryptography expert to know the specific cipher anymore! Decrypto automatically analyzes your encrypted text messages using the most sophisticated decryption techniques, bringing the most likely solutions to the forefront. And its totally free to use! Just paste your copied ciphertext and Decrypto will brute force the rest.Our decoder app for android - Decrypto - is your trusty free decryption tool wherever your adventures take you. It is the best decryptor in your pocket and decodes text offline to be accessible in all areas without an internet connection. And it has dark mode also!Perfect for geocaching, riddles, puzzle games, escape rooms, scavenger hunts, adventure games, orientation games, Questelo games, Encounter games, code cracking games, and more. Our text decoder app is designed to enhance your gaming and problem-solving experience by a mile by automating the process of converting ciphertext back to plaintext.App features:*Real time and all at once encrypted text decoding*91 decryption techniques*Most likely decryptions brought to front*No need to know or specify any cipher*Dark mode*Works offline*Learn cryptography by reading informational sheets about each cipher*User friendly and fast to use*Totally freeIncludes the most popular ciphers and their variations:*Reverse*Morse code*Tap code*Viginere cipher*Gronsfeld cipher*Autokey Cipher*One-time pad*Beaufort cipher*Variant Beaufort cipher*Columnar Transposition Cipher*Double Columnar Transposition Cipher*Braille*Atbash*Phone Keypad cipher*Latin alphabet code (A->1 & 1->A)*Rotary cipher / Caesar cipher (1-25)*Affine cipher*Rail Fence cipher (2-9)*Polybius (5x5 & 6x6)*Bifid cipher*Trifid cipher (2-14)*Bacon cipher (24 & 26)*Playfair cipher*Chemical symbols code (He -> 2, 2->He)*ASCII (Bin, Hex, Dec)*Decimal (Roman, Bin, Hex)*Roman (Dec)*Hexadecimal (Dec, Bin)*Binary (Dec, Hex)*Baudot (Original, Murray)*Base64*Base32 (3 variations)*Scrabble code*More ciphers coming soon!Stay tuned for regular updates as we continue to add even more ciphers, decryption tools, methods and features to the best text decryption app for Android - Decrypto. Join our community of cryptographers, puzzle enthusiasts, gamers, and treasure hunters today for free!FeedbackIf you have any problems, suggestions or questions, please email to [email protected] is one for you. Can you decrypt me?Tushofjyed yi byau ademydw jxu iushuj xqdtixqau je qssuii jxu xyttud jhuqikhu.